

Managing Your Interview Diary


Golden Rules of Interviewing!


  • Interviews are NEVER missed.

  • You are responsible for your own booking diary.

  • If you cannot conduct the interview for any reason, let your manager know as soon as possible and DO NOT reschedule the interview with the candidate.


Candidates can book into your diary with only a hour’s notice.  Don’t assume there have not been any additions.


  • To sign into your calendar, go to  There you will be asked to enter your username and password.
  • When entering the account, the email inbox will open.  There is no need for you to check emails here as all communications from the candidate should be via Recruiterbox.
  • Once in the email account, in the top right hand corner you will see a cluster of squares:


Log in icon


  • Click on the squares and you will see an icon for the calendar.


Calendar icon 2


  • In the calendar view, all of your interview appointments will be displayed, when you click on the hiringteam@borgenproject calendar in the left hand section:


Calendar view


  • To view the booking, click on the booking and then click edit, and the full details of the interview will be displayed, including the Skype ID that the candidate wishes to use for the interview.
Note: If you have any doubt as to which timezone your calendar is displayed in, it is written to the right hand side of the date and time of the booking.





  • If for any reason you need to block any time out of your diary, for example you have a dentist appointment, click on the time you wish to block and candidates will no longer be able to book into this time.