State of the Union June 2020


Political Updates


Lobbying and Advocacy Efforts

  • Total # of Lobbying Meetings in May: 133
  • Total # of Lobbying Meetings in 2020: 291
  • Lobbying Meetings Goal for 2020: 710

Advocacy Emails

  • Total # of Advocacy Emails in May: 18,132
  • Total # of Advocacy Emails in 2020: 46,172
  • Advocacy Emails Goal for 2020: 120,000
  • % of Congress Emailed Year to Date: 98%


Congressional Office Meetings



Regional Director Morgan Harden bird-doged Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) during a live event

Political Affairs Team member Nelly Harb bird-dogged Rep. Dwight Evans (D-PA-3rd) to cosponsor the Global Health Security Act. Soon after, Nelly received a message from Rep. Evans’ office requesting a detailed e-mail


Warren’s Address

Listen to the latest from Warren about the goings-on in D.C.


Content Team Updates

Articles of the Month:  Tuberculosis in South Africa by Danielle Barnes and How Idris Elba Is Supporting Poor Farmers During COVID-19 by Tiara Wilson


Congratulations to the following team members who have achieved Borgen Project Honors & Recognition

      • Capital Achievement Award (raised $2,000 or more): Jonah McGarvey and Grace Nicholas, Political Affairs Team members
      • Chief Closer Award (raised $1,000 or more): Meredith Kahan, Grace Nicholas, James Ring and Ava Singh, Political Affairs Team members; Avinash Chauhan, Advocate; Haarika Gurivireddygari, Content Team member
      • Bird Dog Award: Nelly Harb, Political Affairs Team member
      • President’s Circle: Rachel Schwartz, John Worth, Sara Heilman, Amanda Elena Sarmiento, Sophie van Leeuwen, Ehran Hodes (4), Lydia McCoy, Justin Romer, Gregory Suber, Thomas Penland, Christopher Lisle, Sabrina Ruch and Carson Markley, Political Affairs Team members
      • Public Outreach Award (50 or more people mobilized): Jack Berexa and Hannah Martinez, Political Affairs Team members; Camila Lavadenz, PR Team member

Visit the Our Team Members page and read about success stories with our organization.

Getting the Word Out


One-Mile Campaigns & Mobilizing

Regional Director Katianna Laveaux

Political Affairs Team member Michael Villani in Westerly, RI

PR Team member Alexander Medina

Regional Director Katianna Laveaux posted flyers throughout her neighborhood: “Still Trying make a difference, despite the pandemic!”

PR Team member Elise Bordlee completed her One-Mile Campaign in Los Angeles, CA

PR Team member Alexis Woodruff

Political Affairs Team member Melia Reyther-Espinoza in Lakewood, CO

Political Affairs Team member Tyler Piekarski in Greenville, RI

Content Team member Ashley Parks created a flyer to share in her neighbor’s mailboxes to spark donations

Content Team member Jacquelyn Burrer

Regional Director Omara Castillo

Political Affairs Team member Leila Mosteika

Content Team member Stacey Krzych

Content Team member Karin Filipova

PR Team member John Duck; San Francisco, CA



HR Team member Markea Gilbert created a swarm with coworkers

Regional Director Omara Castillo mobilized her community to contact Congress


Letters to the Editor


Political Affairs Team

PR/Marketing Team

HR Team

In-Office Team


Outreach & Mobilizing Materials

Created by PR Team member Kaitlin Eve (left) and Political Affairs Team member Sydney Lantz

Created by Political Affairs Team member Sarah Fuller

PR Team member Renee St. Germaine created a series of infographics in support of poverty-reducing legislation

Created by Nonprofit Leadershiph Team member Naomi Gale (left) and PR Team member Sumiran Nigam (right)

Created by PR Team member Samantha Martinez Hansen

Created by PR Team member Sofia Fuentes

Created by Nonprofit Leadership Team member Yuchen Tan

Created by PR Team member Alexander Medina

Created by Content Team member Carlos Williams



PR Team member Kaitlin Eve created a giveaway on social media to fundraise donations

Political Affairs Team member Ava DeSantis completed yard work in exchange for donations

Political Affairs Team member Amanda Sarmiento held a virtual art-based fundraiser

PR Team member Kaitlin Benitez created a series of graphics to support her fundraising campaign

PR Team member Samantha Martinez Hansen created a bingo card for Instagram

Political Affairs Team member also created a bingo board to promote engagement

As a part of her fundraising campaign, Content Team member Molly Moline sold clay cats

Political Affairs Team member Hannah Martinez set up a Redbubble shop. 75 percent of profits earned from the shop went toward the cause

Many Borgen Project team members created and sold masks for their fundraising campaigns, such as Political Affairs Team member Olivia Pistella (bottom left), PR Team member Sarah Tucker (top left) and Political Affairs Team member Ciara Callicott (right)


Virtual Series

The Borgen Project is working hard to shine a spotlight on the concerning threat that COVID-19 poses in countries that were already experiencing dire humanitarian crisis. Our third virtual series event featured guest speaker and expert in global food security, Chase Sova, Senior Director of Public Policy and Research at World Food Program USA.


Media Outreach


This month, The Fashion Institute of Technology’s student-run magazine, Blush Magazine, gave The Borgen Project and the Keeping Girls in School Act a shoutout. It is the success and achievement of PR Team member Danielle Zbodula.

Team members took to Instagram to voice support for the cause. Don’t forget to tag @theborgenproject in your content on Instagram:

  • Content Team member Sydney Stokes

  • Political Affairs Team member Josh Werner live streamed on Twitch to raise money and awareness for the cause

  • Political Affairs Team member Rachel Jakovac

  • HR Team member Fnu Nya

  • Content Team member Paige Musgrave

  • Poltical Affairs Team member John O’Connell


Borgen Project team members like Max Glennie (Political Affairs Team member) and Samantha Martinez Hansen (PR team member) found success spreading the word through activist groups and influencers on the social networking platform.

PR Team member Samantha Martinez Hansen persuaded activist account, Feminist.Yes to share her graphics in support of the Keeping Girls in School Act to their Instagram Story

Political Affairs Team member Max Glennie persuaded Sam Vicchiollo, best known on TikTok, a video-sharing social networking service, to post about The Borgen Project



PR Team member Billy Egessa Khalonyere received a response from US-American television reporter, news anchor and producer, Tony Harris


PR Team member Kaitlin Eve created Borgen Project Snapchat filters



Political Affairs Team member Esau Carpenter made it onto the C-SPAN

Political Affairs Team member Payton Little was also featured on CSPAN radio

Congressman Morelle, Please Support The International Affairs Budget created by PR Team member Renee St Germaine

HR team member Alexandria Yang voiced appreciation for her family’s donations while singing “Hlub This Yog Yim.”